Common Conditions
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Front of Body
Neck Pain - Your pain in the neck can have a few names. Sometimes we get neck pain when we turn our heads side to side or when we look up or look down. These types of movement pains are typically muscular. Read more below...
Ankle Pain - Sprained ankles are easy to explain if you fell or twisted in some way but what about the pains in the foot and ankle that you can’t explain? Read more below...
Back of Body
Lower Back Pain - A common and complex area of pain. Many people worry that it is something more serious like a disc herniation. It is very important to not make assumptions about back pain being caused by a disc injury. Read more below...
Shoulder Pain - There can be many causes of pain in the shoulder. First, we must identify what structure is the painful one (muscle, tendon, ligament, joint, bursa, etc.) then we must find out the cause for it. Read more below...